I was standing on the boardwalk, watching the only serenity I have found in this city, the water. Despite its color, its smell, and its inherent ability to burn who ever so much as touches it, that glittering gleam is still able to catch my eyes to the point where I can find some peace.
It abruptly ended when I received a call from Viviane, she was pleading for help, the likes of which I could not ignore and would not for the sake of my librarians. I ran as fast as I could to find her at the library. I was out of breath, running has never been my strongest point, but I saw her there, wearing her lovely red gown and sitting by the fireplace. All seemed normal, I did not see what I was expecting, that of a bloodied husk left of Viviane; I shudder at such a thought.
Stepping into the library I looked about, no one had yet answered her call it seemed, most likely busy with other things. I had ventured closer to Viviane, asking her how she was. She had her back to me, her face turned to the fire. She did not immediately answer; I even ventured so close as to touch her shoulder, in case she was unconscious. It was a terrible mistake.
She grabbed my wrist and held me in place. I was so consumed with horror at the face I saw on her own that I did not even see the blue hot fire ball aimed for my head. It caught me squarely and I felt a blinding pain that was quickly ceased for darkness instead. In that flash of darkness I translated that last image to Selk’Tar’Oth and trusted in her that she would follow my lead this time. She knew it was Spectre but was so confused. I could feel her frustration between simply committing that shell of Viviane to the cosmos but also preserving that which she knew was important to me.
It is very strange to watch through your own eyes and not be able to truly control what it is you are doing. Selk’Tar’Oth knows at this point that she is owned in some capacity. For now she will do as only one tells her.
There was a battle in the library, that much I can remember. Selk’Tar’Oth tried to take up the defense of her only liability, but it was pushed aside. She is enraged but knows what ever inane road they take she will be beside to keep her investment safe. Without Denenthorn’s arrival the library would certainly have been lost. He struck down on Viviane with great power. I was able to see Viviane in shadows and flittering light. That cruel mask, those horrid eyes and grinning smile were affixed to her glorious face. Spectre had taken her completely.
With a battle of skill in both magic and cunning ability they were so equally matched. Fire, water, lightening, air… all to rush in aide of each other. Each force stronger and faster than the next, it would only be a matter of will as to who would win out.
In a blinding flash I was back once more and all I felt was weakness and pain to my face. The mask was broken and removed from the sweet face of the crimson flower. It is a bit cloudy now, but I know I moved quickly to be by Viviane’s side, to help with the after math. She saw my ruined face and I her ruined body, despite that we hardly know each other it was enough to bring us so much closer. By the hands on both Denenthorn and myself we were able to restore Viviane. She was heart broken at her actions I was surprisingly indifferent. Perhaps it is the fact that there is a lingering lack of control I have on myself but she was never in the wrong. She did not attack me; Spectre did, for all the more reason why his life must cease. I knew my wounds would heal just fine in time but she wished to right the library and myself once more.
Though in knowing her heart as I do I know that it would not be enough that she simply carry such a task out. She would still have regret for that which she could not have stopped. I did something I rarely do; I made her promise to me. I made her promise that if I were to allow her to heal my face, clean the mess that she no longer have any regrets for it. That she would not riddle herself with guilt.
Thus it was said, and so it was obeyed.
The winds have changed, the sky is dark… we must prepare for the storm.
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