It is a chilling night, she did not think her experiments would bring her to so many conclusions, nor that the intrigue of what befell the kitties would have dug herself so deep. She kicks the office floor twice, losening the tile which she stored her items in secret. There she saw her filled sketchbooks piled, with extra clothing just in case. She did not have much that she valued there save for a few items. Tonight she thought that her gift from long ago, one she recieved while under the tutoridge of a very quiet fellow would come in handy. With a firm grasp she pulls the firm brass armor and rubber soled boots along with a black case. She pulls on the brass woven clothing, scratching a bit from disuse and she laces up her boots. She pulls the case getnly dusting it off and with a steady hand she opens it. She sighs softly as she looks down at the contraption. "A stun gun cannot compare to the likes of you." she thinks to herself. "Thank you Nikola Tesla." she mutters and takes up the electric weapon.
Thus with her armor in place, her antique weapon in hand, she tucks her wings under her shoulder plates to keep them safe. She takes one step from the library looking around carefully before venturing forth, into the city. It is not the dark of the city she fears this night. It is the impending wrath of.... The Muffin Man.
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