Thursday, June 4, 2009


I find it curious to see how fleeting the need for something can be. When one does not find the patience in themselves to wait but a moment, that need becomes discarded. Though I do not feel at such a loss, I am talking of course of the Shadows who stepped into the library just the other night. Those who stayed got what they came for more or less. Those who left did not. I simply find it interesting who will stay for knowledge and who think they will learn on their own.

*thinks a moment and shudders slightly*

I have gone out of my bounds that night as well. I think perhaps that Denny and Picket are influencing my stray thoughts. This is not a happy feeling, most disturbing really... but I will have to concentrate harder on keeping those thoughts to myself.

Speaking of Picket, she has become our new Second in Command. Aries had to take her leave and I wish she will be well as I am sure she will keep herself as such. Picket's entrance into the library is daunting to say the least. I can see many plausible connections, but I am not sure so much that I would be able to socialize with her outside the library without fainting.

I would be comdemned if she were to find that out as I am sure she would try to exploit that...

*thinks a while*

I think I am paranoid...

*scribbles out all the text about Picket she wrote earlier*

Picket has arrived. This will be a grand, new experience that I welcome with open arms.

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